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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paths of Life

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I'd chosen a different path. A different career choice when I was younger, something like chef work since I love to cook. I think about other choices, and how they may have changed the course of my current path if I'd made different ones. I think everyone wonders about that type of thing from time to time, maybe mostly when things are a little rocky. I think the career choice differences intrigue me most of all. I don't have much time for regretting the choices along the current path, but sometimes I think about totally different paths. Would the choices have been the same? Is there such a thing as fate? Would it have mattered in the long run if I'd made different choices? If there is such a thing as fate, or divine intervention, it probably doesn't. Still, it would have be interesting to have done other things.