How often do you diet, cut your calories to a reasonable level, but still feel like you’re starving? The reality is, as long as you stay above 1200 calories, and only cut your calories by a proper amount for your BMR, there’s no reason to be starving during a diet. What really happens is you’re probably not drinking enough water.
Your body is made up of almost 60% water. It needs water for almost every single function, and every organ, muscle, fiber and liquid in it needs water to work right. In today’s world, we drink everything BUT water. That may be the biggest reason for our massive worldwide weight problem—nobody drinks plain old water anymore.
When your body doesn’t get enough water, it cries out for it. It stores it, and you hold water because it’s afraid it won’t get what it needs, and you not only hold water, but gain more weight because you eat to resolve the cravings you think are for food. When you’re feeling hungry, you are probably just thirsty and starving for water.
You should be drinking AT LEAST 8 cups of water a day. More is better, and it is REALLY hard to drink too much water. You would have to be downing several gallons of water every day to be over-saturating your tissues and causing more harm than good. It’s unrealistic to think anyone could do that without doing it purposely. For most people, drinking 8 to 10 cups of water takes some concentration. Even if you normally drink soft drinks, coffee or other liquids like a fish, and seem to constantly be thirsty (really craving water) you’ll find if you begin to drink 8 to 10 cups of water every day, you stop being so thirsty, and have to remind yourself to take a drink.
Water Purist
Many people would call me a water purist. Nothing else compares to plain, pure water. Often people will make the mistake of thinking that all liquids have water in them---that’s true, and that means they count as water intake---not true. Anytime there is ANYTHING added to the water, whether it has calories or not, it doesn’t count. The reason is that when there is something to be filtered out before it goes into the system, the liver and kidneys have to work on it. That defeats the purpose, and actually slows down your metabolism.
Even flavored waters, black coffee and tea and definitely zero calorie soft drinks are going to make your body work hard to get rid of the additives and have far less nourishing pure water value. While flavored water would be far better than diet soda, what your body needs, and craves is plain, pure water.
Don’t Like the Taste
That’s the excuse I hear all the time about why people “can’t” drink water. That’s because you’re so used to drinking flavors. Plain water tastes bland, off, or unappetizing. If you ‘force’ yourself to drink it for a few days you’ll discover how wonderful it really is.
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6 years ago