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Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Life for Shoes

How often have you thrown out a pair of shoes just because they were getting worn down inside, or a pair wasn't comfortable enough to wear all day? I've done it a lot. The thing is, it probably isn't necessary. Simply using superfeet insoles to give an older pair of shoes a new boost, or make new shoes comfortable enough to stand in all day long would be a much better alternative. I have four pair of shoes right now that I rarely wear, and they are practically brand new even though I bought them months or more ago. They're in pretty good shape because they are uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable because of the size or even shape, but not cushioned well enough to be easy on my feet, knees and back. Yeah, it can have a big impact on your joints and back if you wear shoes that don't provide enough cushion, especially as you get older like me, so insoles that make shoes more comfortable are an important discovery.