Hi there. I guess I am going to have to make a real concious effort to keep up with my blog here since I've noticed that I've garnered a link. (Thank you very much, Bernita!)
I really do feel guilty most times, but when things get busy, this is the area that it seems, will suffer.
I've been working. I've been writing. I've had two new requests for my manuscripts (two shopping at the moment). I've been reading.
I'm telling you now... Lynn Viehl is a wonderful writer. Her Darkyn series is really getting under my skin. LOL Okay, I am just really hot for Michael in 'If Angels Burn'. If you're looking for a really great read, give her books a try.
Kristin has a really scary, or insightful (depending on how you want to look at it) post on the current fate of chick lit on her blog Pub Rants. I think perhaps the scary part is if you really do finally 'get in' and get a hold on the brass ring, how tenous that ring really is. A single blip in the market can leave you grasping at crumbling rock where you once thought you had a stronghold. Then again, I may be over dramatizing the issue.
All genres have their ups and downs. Their market dips and surges. Chick lit is the baby of the bunch really, so it shouldn't be too far off the mark to think it would suffer growing pains. I don't necessarily write chick lit, although I've dabbled a bit in it. Even if I never dipped my pen in that direction, I'd still not like seeing a genre bite the dust. Or hear of the devastation of its authors. So here's to chick lit, may it forever hold its head up high in the literary marketplace.
Last Post
6 years ago
1 comment:
Good to see you out again. Thanks for the informative post.
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