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Friday, July 06, 2007

Rejuvination In The Sun

So many of the blogs I've normally visited on a daily basis are now either completely dissolved, or on vacation. Most of them are writers blogs. There's a level of burn-out in being a writer. It's probably the most discouraging of all the arts. A certain amount of expectation is built up in the writer's psyche. Unlike painting, tons of books are published every year and sold. A fair enough portion of them for good money. That makes it seem so much more plausible that you could actually make a living as a writer--until you hit all the brick walls. Taking a vacation from it isn't a bad idea. It's not like you ever lose the ability, or talent to write. You can pick up where you left off at just about any time. It's a good thing to take a break. Maybe go to Florida and take advantage of a Orlando vacation home rental by the beach and let your battered spirit be rejuvinated by the gentle waves on the beach. Sounds like a plan to me.

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