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Friday, August 08, 2008

Money for the Future

Caring for an invalid parent really strains the budget. I've always heard that having an elderly parent, especially an ill one, living with you is like having an infant in your home, and that point has become crystal clear lately. They require 24 hour a day attention and it gets to be wearing. What I didn't fully realize before all this began is how expensive it is to have an elderly patient living in your home. From little things like they don't want to eat the food you would normally (and cheaply) prepare and require special meals (being a short order cook is a necessity) to buying expensive pull-on diapers (yep, the infant comparison continues) to supplimental dietary needs like nutritional boosting drinks that can cost as much as your entire normal food budget. I've been looking for a lot of extra ways to suppliment my income lately even beyond what I do. I wish I understood futures trading because I've heard that there is great money in that. I need money for my 'future' -- as in tomorrow.

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