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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Wow Factor

This is probably the second most useful product since the creation of the PC itself. My husband and I use these all the time. They are flash drives. Tiny little pocket-sized plug ins that you can connect to any computer via a USB port and download information to share between computers. In fact, micro sd are about as small as a finger most times and come in anywhere from a few mbs to many gbs. We have a wide variety of them most in the 2 and 6 GB catagory. You can store an awful lot of information on 6 GB. It makes it easier when you are moving around between computers which we do a lot. Actually he does it even more than I do between his office at work, his laptop and his desktop at home. I only have my laptop and desktop at home and usually only going between rooms. It still makes it easier to transfer files from one to the other. One of the main reasons I get so excited over such things is maybe because I was born in the era before computers of any kind and seeing the development from monster room-sized things to something as small as the palm of your hand that can contain so much information still boggles my mind. For those born in the 80's and later it's probably not such a big deal. They're used to it. I'm not sure I even that though, I like the 'wow' factor.


ajbarnett said...

Can't agree with you more. When I had my new laptop, there was no floppy drive.

I asked the guy in the store how on earth I was supposed to save my files. He looked at me blankly and produced a flash drive.

I didn't know what the heck it was.

Tami P said...

It sure doesn't look like it should be able to hold anything at all does it. Thanks for stopping by.