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Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year Project

I spoke with an old friend yesterday who asked me if I were still writing books. I had to admit, not so much anymore. I still love to read though. I just received a book I ordered in the mail yesterday. I've ordered and received 12 in December alone. That will be my winter's reading. I get more reading done in the cold months when I am trapped inside by my dislike of cold and snow. In the summer I still read, but it ends up being 1 or 2 a month vs. 5 or 6 a month in the winter. I still enjoy a good novel, but most of my reading is non-fiction. I love to learn new things. Hubby will be here over the next couple of days and I already have him committed to a shelf building project because I have run out of book room in my den. He's just thrilled. Happy New Year.

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