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Monday, June 28, 2010

Undercover Dangers

Every time I get a pimple or something reminds me of a growth, even a mosquito bite I worry about cancer. That's not to make light of it, that's to be as serious as possible about the worries of the various types of cancer. One type in particular is malignant Mesothelioma. Although very unusual, it is due to exposure to asbestos, and it takes a lot of exposure over a long period of time to have serious problems, I live in an old house that probably has a lot of covered up asbestos so it scares me. It was and is common practice to cover asbestos walls, tile, or other hard materials rather than remove them because removal is so expensive and dangerous. Covering it is usually plenty to insure safety, but you never know when some dust, or a project that turns up unknown asbestos tile or wall sheeting will pop up and you get a good lung full.