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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Landlocked Blues

I miss my boat. It's sitting out in the driveway covered in snow, and looks so out of place. Last winter when we first brought it home, it looked great sitting in the driveway, but now, after having had it in the water all summer, and getting used to playing on it, seeing it landlocked is sort of sad. I'm feeling a little guilty too, and hope I don't end up paying for it in the long run. We did everything right as far as winterizing, so that's not a problem, but I haven't had a chance to get in it since we got it here just before the really bad weather hit, so all the canvas and plastic is still inside. It's protected inside the cabin, the the cold is bad for it. If I have to replace all new canvas for the new season it will end up being a very costly mistake.