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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Beauty In Life

Living on a farm has a lot of pluses but there are a lot of things that aren't practical when dealing with farm type chores, and large animals on a daily basis. Things that a lot of women take for granted. Things like nice clothes, dangly earrings and chains, shiny diamond rings, fancy hair styles... I love all of those things, but they don't fit in around the farm. My usual dress code is no make-up, ragged sweat pants and t-shirts. In some ways it can be a drag, but in others I think maybe I take those precious luxuries and fancy accessories less for granted. I really appreciate when I can get all dressed up, put on make-up, polish a set of fake nails (real ones just don't make it out here) put on my jewelry and fuss with my hair. Times like last night when hubby and I go out and enjoy a nice quiet dinner at a beautiful restaurant are joys and pleasures not to be taken lightly. They don't come around often. They are special, wonderful times that are full of memories and I get a real thrill being all dressed up and bejeweled. No matter what place in life you find yourself, don't take any of it for granted. Take the time to be excited by the luxuries and beauties all around you. I know I do, even when I'm hip deep in mud on the farm, there is beauty to revel in and take delight in. It all makes life worthwhile, and a lot more fun.

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