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Friday, February 22, 2008

That Sinking Feeling

If you've ever watched the movie 'The Money Pit' and you own a home, you can definately identify with the feelings in that movie. I think all homeowners have that 'money pit' feeling at times. Some more than others, and certainly the older your home, the more likely you'll experience the feeling more than someone with a newer home. When we bought our current home it was 30 some years old. Fairly 'new' when you consider our previous home was over 100 years old. Over the last 10 years though, it seems our 'newer' home has begun to settle and that's putting it mildly. I don't mind shopping for new, beautiful Danze faucets, or redecorating rooms now that the kids are gone and the house is 'ours' for real. But when the really big things start needing repairs or replacing, like roofs, it starts to get old. They say roofs last about 10 years so I guess it's about time to need a new one, but it's not like going out and picking up a new nick-nack, or faucet. It's not even like needing a new appliance although that can be aggravating as well like the oven that just decided it didn't want to work anymore exactly on Christmas day. This is a BIG thing. The kind of big thing that can mean needing to refinance just to afford it. That's when you really start to get that sinking feeling of living in a money pit. After all these years, in both homes, during my 25 year marriage I should be getting used to it, but sometimes you just want to yell STOP. This is one of those days for sure.

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