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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Dust off Your Butt and Get Your Self Respect Back

That's a line from a song that I've always admired. It's pertinent to everyone's life at some point or another. Setbacks happen to everybody. Problems occur in everybodies lives. It's easy to lose track of that when they happen to you. It is natural to wallow a bit in pity when you have something bad happen. The trick is not to let it get you so discouraged you stop trying. Not to let it seem like it's only you that bad things happen to. Go ahead and wallow a while. Grab a tub of ice cream (notice I said tub, not pint, do it up good), get in a hot bath, eat ice cream, soak, scream, cry, and do all you need to do to get it out of your system... then pick up your butt and dust it off. Get back in the game. Life's too short to let disappointments stop you from doing what you need to do.

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