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Friday, July 18, 2008

Know It All or Know Nothing

It's kind of funny how life turns in full circles. In my mid-40's I never would have dreamed that my house would once again be filled with baby things like high chairs, strollers, and bibs. When my kids outgrew the need for those things I packed them away, held garage sales, or just threw out what was worn and overused. Here I am again surrounded by all the trappings of 'babyhood' though, now that I am a grandma. It's wonderful in an invigorating, almost renewing way to have small children around. They certainly keep you on your toes. I remember back when my children were little and my own grandmother (their great-grandmother) then in her mid-80's would say that being around my children kept her young. I used to smile and nod, sort of understanding, but now, I really do understand. Having young children about keeps you feeling young. Maybe it is the way they look up to you. You are all-powerful, all-knowing, and can do anything. It makes you feel like Superman (or woman as the case may be)... at least until they hit 13. Then you're back to being the old person who doesn't know anything. Kind of a bummer really. LOL

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