You know, it's kind of sad, at least to me, that we can't seperate real racism from a magnificient symbol. The U of I's controversial mascot the Indian Chief is about to dance for the last time at Assembly Hall during the Illinois/Michgan game tonight.
I just don't get it. Perhaps it's very politically incorrect of me. Perhaps it's because I'm not a native American, but I just don't see why something that is meant to be a symbol of power, and strength, and to me anyway is awe inspiring is a bad thing. To me it keeps the personality, and heritage of the American Indian alive in cultural views where it would be faded into historical memories of rare thought other than for those of that actual heritage.
I don't see it as demeaning. I think sometimes people chose to see things as bad, or prejudice just to suit them. Perhaps they think by making a stink about something like this they are bringing their people to the forefront of everyone's minds... perhaps they are, but in what way? I'm not sure I'd want to be remembered like that.
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6 years ago
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