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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Natural Drugs

Drugs like Lipovox fascinate me. Labeled as a super food and said to cure everything from weight problems to acne--yes it sounds like a strange combination but I can definitely see the relationship, can these types of drugs really work? I don't know. What I do know is that I have more faith in the possibilities of drugs created from actual foods and enzymes rather than synthesized chemicals that are scary and work on metabolism and body chemistry in artificial means. The ingredients in Lipovox are fairly well-known for being good for you.

Super Food Ingredients:

Cayenne Pepper and Garlic--two well known health benefit foods.
Brazilian Acai--the Acai berry is touted as a super food for weight loss, stress reduction and many other health problem benefits that also has great antioxidant properties.
Green Tea Extract--definately a scientifically proven antioxidant.

Those are just a few of the known super foods and antioxidants used in combination to create Lipovox.

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