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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wish He'd Grow Up

I have a 24 year old son too. I wish he'd grow up a bit. I know men/boys mature slower than girls but it sure seems to be taking him a long time to find his direction in life. He's been in his share of trouble too. All of it chemical related and not violence or anything like that but it has destroyed a very promising life and no amount of talking, example, or encouragement seems to help him break the cycle. I often wonder what makes people choose to view life as their own personal pity party, especially when it wasn't the way they were brought up. I guess there's no real way to understand it. I'm hoping it is something he'll wake up from. My daughter has had plenty of problems as well and still is not where she should be or my husband and I would like her to be but she is trying, going back to school, working, raising her kids as best she knows how, and has finally seemed to see life for what it is--what you make it even when what you have to work with isn't perfect.

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