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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Success from Giving is the Philosophy that Guides Banir Ganatra

Banir Ganatra has an extremely mature attitude and philosophy for one so young. He is very successful in his business but he doesn't rest on that, nor does he consider that what is most important in his life. He prefers to use his free time to improve the lives of others through various charity functions. He even instigates his own methods of charity when he finds something is needed, such as dental services in India. When a member of his family related the need for such services there, he made it his business to use connections he had to get a charitable clinic started.

The personal way Banir Ganatra handles his own life reflect his attitudes as well. When his mother became seriously ill, he didn't get mired in self-pity, he made a large contribution for medical research that would help with the problem. That's a great outlook to have in any facet of life.

Banir Ganatra gets his philosophy from the teachings of Tony Robbins who proposes basically, that success comes to those who first give of themselves. Banir is a graduate of the Tony Robbins Mastery University, and it is a philosophy and way of life that is proving quite true in the case of Mr. Ganatra.

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