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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Camped Out

I just saw a commercial that really left me with a strange feeling. It was "Thelma" from the old series "Good Times". Wow, hadn't seen her in ages other than on reruns of the show. She looked good. That was a crazy good feeling knowing she looks good, (actually much better than she did back then when she was Olive Oil thin), and looks healthy (not all that normal for sitcom stars of that day). The strange feeling was her commercial repititon of the theme song as a poem sort of (combined with scenes from the show and the actual theme song). Back then, the 70s, the song was very pertinent, and 'modern' if you will. It meant something. It brought a lump to your throat. Now it's just 'campy'. However, you can watch the show, listen to the song, and knowing its genre and age still get those feelings of appreciation and emotion. But listening to someone NOW reciting campy lyrics with a sort of tongue in cheek feeling makes you wonder if she feels as silly, or uneasy as hearing it made me feel.