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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tides of Freelancing Change

I love my job. Well, I 'still' love it even though it has been a bit of a drugery lately. Such is the nature of freelancing. I keep reminding myself of the one aspect that is unwavering and makes me grateful for the work is that I work from home. I write for a living. It isn't always subjects I like, and the work isn't always as easy to find, but it's there. I guess right now I'm mostly just feeling a little sorry for myself without reason. I know these things come in waves, but the tide is out a bit right now. One of my major companies is showing signs of dying, although it may just be growing pains (I hope). In the past these things didn't bother me much, I just rolled with the flow, but the past two years have been so good that the downturn is making a much bigger impact. Hopefully it won't last long. It usually doesn't.