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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dog Crazy

I'm not the only one with a crazy dog. I just talked to someone else on Twitter whose dog wouldn't let them alone cause they wanted to play. Then James on Facebook showed a picture of his attempt to feed the family dogs with dog food all over the place. Pets are a big part of our lives. They bring so much to it, and ask so little. Sometimes it is hard to remember all they want is our love when we feel a little taxed by their energy and rambunctiousness. It also reminded me of how much time I spend on Twitter and Facebook. You can get really carried away with the newer social medias. Blogs are easier. When they first started, they were the only real social media around. It as easy enough to keep in contact with readers with one or two posts a day, or even a week. But now with Twitter and FB it is a constant barrage of minute details of everyday life from... well everyone all at once.