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Friday, June 06, 2008

You Never Know When You'll Need Insurance

I'm glad before we got our truck we'd done a car insurance comparison to make sure we had the best insurance we could get. I know our old company wouldn't have allowed for a rental car, it wasn't in our policy. You just don't think you'll need something like that when you just bought a new car. Our brand new truck got side-swiped in the parking lot of a store just a few weeks ago. With my husband's schedule he just got it taken in to the body shop, but the insurance company assured him they would pay, even though the 'swiper' didn't have insurance (!) and they would take the other driver to court. They also pointed out that he had car rental in his policy so he was able to get a rental car for the three days it will take to fix the (crying) brand new truck. Even with good insurance on your side, it hurts like crazy to have something you just bought like that damaged when it wasn't your fault. It sure is nice to have a good company when you have to go through it though.

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