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Friday, May 07, 2010

Fat Free

I'm having a great week. After over a year of not losing weight I actually lost 5 pounds this week without really trying. I think a lot of it had to do with a release of stress. Over the last year and a half there has been one source of stress after another and last weekend, when the boat got in the water and worked well removed the very last of stressful items from my list. Stress is a real killer to a diet. Even when stress isn't an issue there are ways to help get the scale moving in your favor. Diet pills like apidexin, a fat burner, get rid of the fat you eat normally in your diet and increase weight loss. They do work. there are a few side-effects to fat burners, but things like excessive gas, loose bowels and heartburn are less if you do your best to restrict fats in your diet. The fat burners will take care of any fat, but the more you give it to do, the harsher it may seem on your body. The great thing about them is that it is nearly impossible to eliminate all sources of fat from a diet, and fat burners like apidexin make it possible to have a fat free diet.