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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Plateaus and Stalls

I'm losing all patience with myself when it comes to weight loss. It's nobodies fault but mine, but I really need to get it under control. I thought spending so much time on the boat, outside in the fresh air, and in the heat of summer would really help, but it doesn't seem to. Well, in truth it probably is a bit. I'm not 'gaining', but I'm not 'losing' either. I found a product that promises quick loss. I need something like that to start me off, and give me something to feel good about. 7-dfbx reviews show the good and bad of using the weight loss supplement, along with others like it. I need something to give me inspiration. My problem lately (the past year) has been lose a bit, feel great, then stop, or gain a pound, and just give up. I need to get past that 'plateau' that happens so fast.