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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Royal Normality

The very thought of royal normalcy is an oxymoron. In an article on Yahoo today Princes Harry and William talked about how they'd never be 'normal'. Well duh. Even if their mom hadn't been killed in a car accident being chased by papparazzi. Even if the royal divorce hadn't caused more scandal than the British had known in years. Even if their parents were the models of good parenting--they're the future kings of England, and they were born into one of the most eccentric families on earth. From birth their lives were destined to not be 'normal'. I know they're just people. From their own perspective I'm sure they feel like they are just like everyone else and should be able to be 'normal', but that's because they can't see their lives distanced from the personal perspective. I'm sure they're wonderful young men, but they are anything but normal.

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