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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Me, a Fashionista?

I've been cleaning out my closet now that I'm losing weight and going through what clothes I need to replace. I have riding apparel that is not only out-dated but way too big now that I'm going to have to purchase for the next show season, and forget about work clothes. My work clothes consist of sweat pants and t-shirts for the most part since I work at home, but I've always had to have a certain amount of dress clothes for those times I have to go out and meet my 'adoring' public, or attend meetings with editors and the like. None of that fits anymore. Sigh. Well, I have all winter to get my wardrobe in gear. I don't do anything in the winter. I hate cold, and don't much care for driving in snow, or on ice either. By next spring I'll be a fashionista once again... yeah, as if. Well, at the least I'll be ready for the summer's events.

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