An article on Yahoo says that when you break up with an ex you should make a 'contract' not to call. That calling only makes breaking up harder, last longer, the hurt go deeper, and may even force a reconcilliation when it wouldn't be a good thing to do.
I agree with the reconcilliation part, but should you really not be able to call someone you've had a close relationship with? I'm not talking about a couple of dates that went sour. I'm talking about you've broken up with someone you've had a serious, long-term relationship with. Does breaking up mean you should never speak to them again? Never ask for advice, or help even if you know they're the perfect person to provide it?
I know sometimes there are people that can't take that just at face value and assume that means the other person needs/wants them in their life again, but it's hard to accept it should be that way. Maybe it is a good idea to never talk to that estranged person again. It's sad that it should be so permanent though. That it's not possible to be friends after a break. I know some people who are, but perhaps it requires a certain level of maturity--or maybe they're just fooling themselves and they're not as broken up as they think.
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6 years ago
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