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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weight Obsessed

Exactly why are we so obsessed with people's weight? Tyra Banks is defending her weight gain in nationwide media--the woman still weighs less than a toothpick, but of course as a 'super model' a toothpick is a fatty. We have built expectations of human physical shape to extremes that are easily as unhealthy as the opposite of over-weight. It's beautiful to be thin, nothing else will do. Yet, more than half of America is overweight (and I'd bet a good portion of the rest of the world too). It's actually more natural. The body wants to store fat for protection. The problem there is for most of us, there's nothing to protect it from. Our homes are heated in the winter, air conditioned in the summer and starvation is fairly unlikely in most of the modern world. The big drawback--in my opinion--is that we've lost the abiilty to love and accept each other for who we are. No matter what. Tyra Banks hardly needs to defend her body, it's gorgeous just the way it is, but so is everyone else.

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