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Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Blog World

The Internet has become such a fascinating place, I still boggle over it sometimes. In just maybe 20 years it has turned into a world of its own and yet expands the actual world we live in in ways that sometimes I'm not sure we really comprehend. Blogs too... those even in a much shorter time. I think it was maybe 6 or 7 years ago when I first heard the word 'blog'. My son had opened up a MySpace blog and it was just really a bunch of teens mostly keeping journals and being 'friends'... then slowly it evolved into something that was at first the same, and yet totally different. Now you can still find millions of blogs that are just 'journals' of everyday life. Big friend communities that keep track of the daily lives of each other from all over the globe, but it's sure not just teens anymore. You can also find extraordinarily informative blogs about many things, and even specific subjects of just about any nature. And the most amazing part of all is the unlimited nature of it. There is no 'ceiling' where it has to end. It can go on for ever and get as big as it will without ever hitting a wall. That itself is hard to comprehend. A world without limits of space.

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